Bulk payment links CSV parameters

When creating and sending bulk payment links, the CSV file that you upload must adhere to the following restrictions, you cannot add your own parameters:

INVOICE_IDRequiredString (8-16)AN16
The merchant-provided reference number.
AMOUNTRequiredNumber (0.01 - 1000000.00)N10.N2
The payment request amount.
CUSTOMER_SURNAMERequiredString (2-50)AN
The customer's last name or surname. Required if you send any other customer parameters, also required for some risk checks and payment providers. Truncated after 48 characters.
CUSTOMER_GIVEN_NAMERequiredString (2-50)AN
The customer's first or given name. Required if you send any other customer parameters, also required for some risk checks and payment providers. Truncated after 48 characters.
CURRENCYRequiredString (3)A3
The payment request's amount ISO 4217 currency code.
CUSTOMER_EMAILConditionalString (6-128)AN128
The customer's email address. Required for communicating with customers about payment. Required if SEND_EMAIL is true.
CUSTOMER_MOBILEConditionalString (5-25)AN25
[+0-9][0-9 \.()/-]{5,25}
The customer's mobile number. Required for communicating with customers about payment. Format should be +27123456789. Required if SEND_SMS is true.
CUSTOMER_WHATSAPPConditionalString (5-25)AN25
[+0-9][0-9 \.()/-]{5,25}
The customer's WhatsApp number. Required for communicating with customers about payment. Format should be +27123456789. Required if SEND_WHATSAPP is true.
SEND_EMAILConditionalBooleanFalse: false, no, n, 0, blank
True: true, yes, y, 1
Specifies whether to send an email to the customer after creating the payment link.
SEND_SMSConditionalBooleanFalse: false, no, n, 0, blank
True: true, yes, y, 1
Specifies whether to send an SMS to the customer after creating the payment link.
SEND_WHATSAPPConditionalBooleanFalse: false, no, n, 0, blank
True: true, yes, y, 1
Specifies whether to send a WhatsApp message to the customer after creating the payment link.
NOTESOptionalString (0-140)AN
The payment note less than 141 characters.
EXPIRY_TIMEOptionalNumber (5 - 43200)NumberThe time in minutes until the link expires. The default and maximum expiry time is 30 days.
BILLING_STREET1OptionalString (1-100)AN100
The door number, floor, building number, building name, and street name of the address.
BILLING_CITYOptionalString (1-48)AN48
The town, district, or city of the billing address. Mandatory for 3-D Secure 2.
BILLING_STATEOptionalString (1-50)AN50
The county, state, or region of the address.
BILLING_POSTALCODEOptionalString (1-16)AN16
The postal code or ZIP code of the address.
BILLING_COUNTRYOptionalString (2) ISO 3166-1 alpha 2A2
The country of the address.
EMAIL_CCOptionalString (0-128)AN128
List of comma-separated email addresses.
EMAIL_BCCOptionalString (0-128)AN128
List of comma-separated email addresses.