Embedded Checkout
Embedded Checkout enables you to embed a checkout on your website to accept payments without redirecting to a payment gateway.
Embedded Checkout has the following benefits over Redirect-based Checkout:
- Better user experience and less security concerns: Keeping the customer on your website when checking out makes the experience seamless and allays security concerns.
- Theming: Customise parts of the payment experience to match your branding.
- Custom payment method ordering: Order payment methods according to your preferences.

Example Embedded Checkout with custom colours and payment method order; note that not all payment methods are available in all regions or for all currencies.
API endpoints
The API endpoints for the live and sandbox servers are:
Service | Live | Sandbox |
Authentication | https://dashboard.peachpayments.com | https://sandbox-dashboard.peachpayments.com |
Checkout | https://secure.peachpayments.com | https://testsecure.peachpayments.com |
Embedded Checkout | https://checkout.peachpayments.com/js/checkout.js | https://sandbox-checkout.peachpayments.com/js/checkout.js |
Known limitations
- Embedded Checkout does not support PayPal.
- The secondary brand theme colour is not used.
Apple Pay
To accept Apple Pay on Embedded Checkout:
- Download the TXT file hosted at https://secure.peachpayments.com/.well-known/apple-developer-merchantid-domain-association.
- Host the file on the root of your own website's domain. For example, if your website is
, host the file athttps://www.example.com/.well-known/apple-developer-merchantid-domain-association
. - Request that Peach Payments support activate Apple Pay.
Quick links
📝 API playground Detailed reference to the Embedded Checkout API endpoint and mock calls. API reference | 📝 SDK reference Detailed reference to all the SDK functionality. SDK reference |
🚀 Postman collection Use the sample Embedded Checkout (v2) calls in Postman. See the collection overview for more information. | 📋 Sample project Experiment with an Embedded Checkout sample integration project. Node sample project Python sample project |
Updated 3 months ago