Check digit verification (CDV)


A CDV request submits data to verify a batch of account numbers against a bank-supplied algorithm to determine if the account numbers fall in a valid range for that bank.

Request URL

Request structure

A CDV request consists of three separate sections with a root parameter called APICDVRequest. The Header section contains information on the CDV batch, the Records section is a collection of account details for verification, and the Totals section verifies that the information sent is complete and correct.


A CDV request has a single Header section with the following parameters:

PsVerThe version of the Peach Payments file format. 2.0.1.Required
ClientYour unique client code.Required
ServiceThe code for the service. CDV for check digit verification.Required
ReferenceThe batch reference. Allows you to identify the batch on the history page of the secure website.Required
UniqueIdUsed to prevent duplicate requests.Optional


A CDV request has a single Records section with multiple FileContents sections with the following parameters:

AccountNumberThe account number for verification.Required
BranchCodeThe branch code of the account number.Required
CustomerCodeThe customer identifier returned with the CDV results.Optional


A CDV request has a single Totals section with the following parameters:

RecordsThe total number of CDV records submitted.Required
BranchHashThe sum of all the branch codes for the CDV records.Required
AccountHashThe sum of all the account numbers for the CDV records.Required

Example request

    <Reference>TEST CDV</Reference>

Response structure

The standard response structure includes a CDVResults parameter containing the validation results.

The Response root parameter has the following parameters:

ResultAlways OK.
BatchCodeDeprecated. Empty.
TotalFeeIncludingVatDeprecated. 0.
UniqueIdThe unique ID submitted

The Result section has the following parameters:

ResultThe result of the CDV check. Invalid for a failed account.
MessageThe rejection reason.
AccountNumberThe account number that failed the CDV test.
BranchCodeThe submitted branch code.
ReferenceThe submitted reference.

Example valid response

      <Reference>Example 1</Reference>

Example invalid response

      <Message>Account number is not valid for ABSA Bank.</Message>
      <Reference>Example 1</Reference>

Postman collection

See the Peach Payments Postman collection for sample calls.

Run in Postman