Payment types
Payment type | Request parameter | Description |
Debit | DB | Debits the customer account and credits the merchant account. |
Credit | CD | Credits the customer account and debits the merchant account. |
Refund | RF | Credits the customer account referencing a prior debit or capture transaction. Can be partial or full. |
Reversal | RV | Reverses an already processed preauthorisation transaction. |
Chargeback | CB | A negative charge on the merchant account, generally triggered by a customer returning a DB or RB transaction. |
Rebill | RB | Debits the customer account with a reference to a prior debit transaction. Generally used to rebill an already-processed debit transaction for a chargeback or to add more products to an already-processed order. |
Preauthorisation | PA | A stand-alone authorisation that triggers optional risk management and validation. A capture referencing the preauthorisation confirms the payment. |
Capture | CP | Captures a preauthorised amount. |
Registration | RG | Registers a card which you can then charge on a recurring basis or for one-click payments using the registration token. |
Deregistration | DR | Deregisters a card so that you can no longer charge it on a recurring basis or for one-click payments using the registration token. |
Confirmation | CF | Confirms a token. |
For details on when to use a refund and when to use a reversal, see the support knowledge base.
Updated about 22 hours ago